Open Sourcing My Eternal Pet Project

🖖 On releasing LLAR (Live Long And Read), a programmable news aggregator initiated 2016/2017. The project, now on GitHub, […]

Hack Week 2023 Ideas

🪓 Hack, hack, hack, sleep, wake, hack.

2023 Home Server Build

🖥 Passive-cooled Ryzen 5 PRO, ECC RAM with ~16W idle power consumption

RGW Error Handling

🚧 Notes on error handling in RGW and RGW storage backends


💥 👋

Ceph Perf Histograms ↦ Prometheus

📊 On the conversion of Ceph Perf Counter histograms to Prometheus histograms

ePaper Calendar & Weather Display

📆 At the time of writing, February 2021, the display is up and running since 2019. It served me well so far. The finished […]

Bluetooth Speaker Radio

📻 Starting an internet radio stream on my phone and having it stream audio to a Bluetooth speaker is madness. Way to many […]

RADOS Objects in RBD

🐙 RADOS block devices (RBD) offer block device-like access on top of RADOS. A common use case is virtual machine images, […]

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