

Here we go

Some random facts about me and my work.

Marcel Lauhoff is my name.
irq0 There is a far far fetched literary reference in it. ๐Ÿค“ my online handle.

This is my personal site.
Its mostly for me, not for you.
Writing English isn't my native language. I'm trying to level that up, too. is thinking they say.

Software-defined storage is my niche.

Like many interests this one began at university.
Functional programming and security were strong.
Storage was stronger.

My Bachelor's and Master's thesis were about storage.

  How slow is ext2? In userspace? In Java? Not that slow. I should later learn that Java is actually pretty good at this things.
  Not the actual title.

  Cooling down Ceph How to turn a distributed storage system designed to scale out and spread hot data like a ๐Ÿ™ into a cold storage archive system. Slides
  The actual title.

I did some public speaking.

Worked at a distributed file system startup.
Then SUSE Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. . Striving to be an Open Sourcer.

Interests broaden a bit to
Ceph. Kubernetes. Cloud Native.

Had a lot of fun doing CTFs in the 2011-2014s.
Co-founded the Alcapwn team.
Heard later that this was the golden age of CTFs.

Ultimately decided against a career in security.
I prefer creating over destroying.

I work with system languages like C, C++, Java and Go.
Not because I ๐Ÿ’– them; I ๐Ÿงก the systems written in them.

I โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ Clojure I miss having a powerful REPL to do ๐Ÿซ€ surgery on a running piece of system software. gdb is not the same. , but will probably be an eternal hobbyist .

The site uses Unicode and Emoji.
They are the closest we have to Mediaglyphs.

I enjoy











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